Enhancing capabilities for impact-based forecasting

Vulnerable communities across Asia, Africa and the Pacific are among the hardest hit by disasters, particularly extreme weather and climate events which are increasing in frequency and severity as a result of climate change.

As a core service, RIMES enhances capacities of national hydrometeorological and disaster risk reduction institutions to utilise global predictions and integrate customised climate/weather models for producing high-resolution forecasts with sufficient lead time for preparedness and response to manage extreme weather and climate events.

RIMES facilitates regional cooperation and offers technical and strategic expertise in sharing data and implementing best-practices for generating reliable and accurate forecast products within the RIMES region.

In order to create a sustainable and scalable impact among the end-users, RIMES integrates model development and forecast generation with a suite of user-tailored tools and dynamic web-portals to enhance user’s capacities to access, customise and apply forecast services.

Weather Forecast

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