At RIMES, capacity building is a key strategy for supporting the establishment of sustainable end to end early warning systems in the region.
The following training courses, funded by RIMES’ Member States and donor partners, were designed for targeted audiences. These courses could be offered on request:
Forecast Products
In order to monitor extreme weather events in the Afro-Asian region, RIMES generates short term weather information (3-5 days lead time) on a daily basis. RIMES shares these Real Time NWP Outputs as per the demands of our Member States.
Real Time NWP Outputs are generated using a state of the art Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) Model with 9km x 9km resolution.
An effective early warning system links technical agencies that generate warning information with people at risk. This end-to-end system involves capacities in translating warning information into potential impacts and response options, last mile warning communication, basic disaster management standards and practices at local level, and public awareness of risks. RIMES aims to address these capacities by working together with national and local institutions, NGOs, private sector and communities in each Member and Collaborating State.