Based on the unique demands of sectoral stakeholder and national priorities, RIMES continues to develop tools, training materials and decision support systems by: 

  • Integrating forecast products of high resolution and varying scales with localized decision context based on country’s demands
  • Integrating localized analytics, and advanced technology for information access - Internet of Things (IOT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Improving visualization and interactive dashboard for enhanced user-engagement
  • Scaling up DSS to support action oriented advisory and warning services generation

Capacity Building in Climate Change Adaptation
RIMES builds capacities in end-to-end multi-hazard early warning to meet differential needs and demands of its Member States by 

  1. Providing high-resolution climate change scenarios : Use of dynamic and statistical downscaling techniques to generate evidence-based precipitation, temperature, and sea level scenarios at different time scales 
  2. Assessment of potential climate change impacts : Scenario interpretation and translation into potential impacts in climate-sensitive sectors to inform adaptation planning
  3. Analysis of adaptation status: Evaluation of institutional systems and capacities, including household capacities, and gaps therein, for confronting potential climate change impacts
  4. Facilitating consensus-based adaptation planning : Participatory multi-stakeholder identification and prioritization of adaptation options, and action planning
  5. Decision-support system and tool development : Development of decision-support systems, methodologies, and tools for adaptation uptake
  6. Capacity building : Assistance in re-configuration of institutional systems to manage evidence-based climate change information, local demonstrations of adaptation options, transfer of methods and tools, and training.

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