The project aims to develop capacities for effective Climate Services in Bhutan. This will be achieved through the enhancement of the capacity of the National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology (NCHM) in developing and applying climate services for decision-making in climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water resources, energy, health and disaster risk reduction through the deployment of the Climate Services Toolkit (CST).

The CST includes a suite of products, tools, models and data from Regional Climate Centers (RCCs) and WMO Global Producing Centers for Long-Range Forecasts (GPCLRFs), including the WMO Lead Center for Long-Range Forecast Multi Model Ensemble (LC-LRFMME) jointly coordinated by KMA and CPC/NOAA. Such products, tools, models and data can be adapted and tailored for specific regions and countries.

The CST is a suite of guidance, data, software tools, training resources and examples for enabling climate services at global, regional and national levels in the following areas:

  • climate data rescue, management and mining
  • climate analysis and monitoring
  • climate prediction
  • climate projection
  • tailoring information to specific user needs
Bhutan Agriculture Climate