Study visit on emergency risk and crisis communication for officials of the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Center, Iraq
The study visit by 9 officials of Iraq’s Joint Coordination and Monitoring Center aimed to enhance their capacity on communicating emergency risk and crisis situations. The training covered: communication in emergency management, risk communication, and crisis communication. Visits to different institutions exposed participants to operational application of these concepts.
Support to the DFID Asia Regional Resilience to a Changing Climate (ARRCC), Met Office Partnership (MOP) Programme
The project supports the implementation of the DFID ARRCC-MOP programme through Regional and National Climate Outlook Forums, user engagement in key priority sectors, training and capacity building in support of RCOF and NCOFs, SASCOF-14, development of sector-specific products, and development of trans-boundary pilots for impact-based and seasonal forecasting.
Enhancing climate information and its application at sub-national level
The project aimed to strengthen capacities of stakeholders at sub-national level in linking climate information to planning and decision-making. Under BRACED overarching target outcome for vulnerable communities, driven by women and children, and supported by effective institutions to be more resilient to identified climate shocks and stresses, the project specifically aims for improved communication, access to, and use of resilience information; and improved planning and decision-making.
Seismic hazard assessment (Metro Manila)
The project aimed at developing probabilistic seismic hazard maps for Metro Manila, Philippines to guide private sector investment. Key activities included compilation of past observed seismicity; modeling of earthquake sources; hazard assessment; and generation of ground motion records.
Development and implementation of user-relevant end-to-end hydrological forecast generation and application system for disaster mitigation in the Philippines
The project aimed to develop longer-lead flood forecasts for Pasig-Marikina basin and two other basins in the country, and demonstrate their application in decision-making for resource management and disaster risk reduction. Key activities included flood forecast model development, testing, and validation; decision support system development for flood risk assessment and warning; and training and technology transfer.
Asif Uddin Bin Noor
Asif supports RIMES research initiatives at the national and field levels and provides technical assistance in the development of tools and applications, particularly in the agriculture and livestock sectors. In Bangladesh, he is also involved in implementing, monitoring, assessing, and documenting the RIMES project activities. Asif also provides assistance to the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) and the Flood Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC) as needed.
Enhanced use of disaster risk information for decision-making in Southeast Asia – Regional conference on risk-informed development using disaster risk information for resilience
ADB engaged RIMES’ Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Specialist to support the regional conference on risk-informed development using disaster risk information for resilience, particularly for the session on integrating risk information in the agriculture sector. Activities included:
Framing and design of the session
Identification and preparation of session speakers
Support to session facilitation
Session documentation