This program aims to evolve a systematic capacity building process for NHMSs to integrate emerging climate /weather forecasting technologies and best practices into NHMs operations.
- Guide the South Asia Hydromet Forum (SAHF) process through review of their respective NMHSs modernization plans to identify common requirements to improve their forecasting systems and services
- Oversee the identified NHMS capacity gaps and needs are integrated into the program activities
- Prioritize regional efforts that complement and reinforce national activities leading to a more sustainable program for development of meteorological and hydrological services throughout the region
- Evolve collaborative regional strategies to increase the use of ensemble prediction, impact-based forecasting techniques and user-oriented advisory services
- Guide strengthening of key elements of the service value chain and align capacity building activities to these requirements
- Recommend actions to leverage capacities within the region to strengthen each other through collaborative dialogues, plans and experimental campaigns
- Articulate the importance of the program to sectoral agencies/stakeholders for facilitating partnership with user sector for impact-based forecasting
- Advocate for sustainability of this program and facilitate additional investments in improving forecasting and climate services
- Ensure the activities planned under the program complement the on-going efforts by World Meteorological Organization and other International agencies without replication