The project shall develop and implement an expert system for analyzing potential impacts from various hazards using weather forecast information, and for evaluating, generating, and disseminating impact management options. The system also acts as data management system for managing and processing weather, disaster, risk, and emergency response resource data for use by the Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation Department. Key activities include:
The project aimed at development of an expert system for analysing potential impacts from various hazards using weather forecast information, and for evaluating, generating, and disseminating impact management options. The system also acts as data management system for managing and processing weather, disaster, risk, and emergency response resource data for use by the Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation Department.
In 2020, RIMES operational team at Commissionerate of Revenue Administration and Disaster Management, provided operational and maintenance support to TNSMART. Also, the On-Site unit provided capacity building support to the Government to ensure the data flow from various administrative level to the centralized system
Big data analytics,
Machine learning algorithm, Artificial Intelligence, Geospatial Systems,
Remote Sensing – Satellite Imageries (Inundation, NDVI), UAV, LIDAR,
Telemetry (Real time data – rainfall and water level), SMART Mobile
Application, to better understand the disaster risks for having better
preparedness and policy making for risk reduction
Expert system for analyzing potential impacts from various hazards using weather forecast information, and for evaluating, generating, and disseminating impact management options. The system also acts as data management system for managing and processing weather, disaster, risk, and emergency response resource data for use by the Revenue Administration, Disaster Management and Mitigation Department. Key activities include:
Development of the weather forecasting subsystem, consisting of:
an ensemble forecasting platform, comprising of products from RIMES’ customized WRF model, ECMWF, JMA, IMD, UKMet, etc.
a robust verification mechanism platform to critically evaluate the performance of all forecast sources
a window for real-time validation of forecast products with reference to observed data, applying WMO guidelines
Development of risk assessment and mapping subsystem that:
is based on site-specific thresholds derived from historical records of extreme events and hazards
allows for once in 3 years participatory dynamic risk assessment, noting changing exposure, vulnerability, and land use
Development of emergency response resource subsystem that:
integrates national-level GIS datasets from the National Database for Emergency Management, developed by the National Remote Sensing Center
integrates Sahana platform as complementary tool
includes contour maps from survey of India topo-sheets, and DEM from UAV-based aerial photogrammetry
Development of dissemination and feedback system that includes:
Tamil Nadu Government’s alarm-/ voice-based warning
Mobile application for alert dissemination
Tracking of alert and responses to it
User response monitoring and feedback evaluation
Disaster documentation for system benchmarking and validation of advisories
Incorporation of drought forecasting
Updating of SOPs
Capacity development of users on updated SOPs
TN-SMART transfer
Direct operational support to Tamil Nadu State Disaster Management Authority for TN-SMART tool operation, until system is fully integrated into TNSDMA operations