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The Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES), invites qualified interested vendors to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for the Supply and Installation of, and Training on Marine Buoy for Timor-Leste
The key components of the assignment are the following:
1. Supply of wave buoy in Direção Nacional de Transporte Marítima, Colmera, Díli Port, Timor Leste, including mooring, telemetry, software, display, and user manual.
2. Installation of equipment in Dili coast, Timor Leste, and software program or data management system in on-shore data facility, with the participation of trained personnel from National Directorate for Meteorology and Geophysics (DNMG) and partner
3. Train key staff and relevant partner agencies to build capacity in:
● Telemetered wave buoy assembly, calibration (level 1), and performance testing for 5 technical staff members for 2 days;
● Telemetered wave buoy installation, maintenance, and routine operation, including buoy rescue in case of drift for 10 technical staff members for 5 days; and
● Data management systems, from detection to data transmission at the on-shore data facility for 10 technical staff members for 1 day
Under the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-led and Green Climate Fund (GCF)- supported project, titled “Enhancing Early Warning Systems to Build Greater Resilience to Hydro-meteorological Hazards in Timor-Leste,” RIMES will contribute to improving the generation, access to, and application of in-country user-relevant climate services through the deployment of and training on marine buoy for wave observation and subsequent risk monitoring and
The complete details of the requirement will be provided in the tender documents that will be issued to proposers after this request for EOI is closed.
Please note that this REOI is not an invitation for submission of tenders. Its purpose is to identify companies that would be interested and eligible to participate in the solicitation when issued. Companies interested in providing the above goods and services should express their interest electronically through
Mandatory email subject: EOIRIMES022024 – Company Name
RIMES will examine the outcome of this request for EOI and will consider those that have expressed their interest. RIMES reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process. Thus, submitting a reply to this Request for EOI does not automatically guarantee your company will be considered for receipt of the solicitation when issued.
Vendors interested in participating in the planned solicitation process should submit the Vendor Response Form of this EOI electronically through on or before 26 Feb 2024 at 12:00 PM BKK Local Time.