Two five-day trainings for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Pacific countries and South-, Southeast-Asian countries respectively were conducted last week with an aim to enhance their capacities on weather and seasonal forecasting in responding to user demands from various climate-sensitive sectors.
The online trainings covered several topics relevant to weather forecasters to help them enhance their understanding of the current and future state of the atmosphere, and improve their forecasting capacity. The training included sessions on topics such as numerical weather prediction, short and medium range forecasting, climate teleconnections, seasonal forecasting, and communicating forecasts and climate information including forecast uncertainty. The training sessions were divided into presentations, live demonstrations and hands-on exercises to maximize the understanding of the concepts and to help participants apply their knowledge and experience in operational forecasting.
Speaking after the training for Pacific countries, Kasis Inape, Assistant Director, PNG National Weather Service appreciated the opportunity to participate in the workshop and thanked the RIMES team and UNESCAP for organizing the event. According to him, PNG has limited stations and consequently limited data as well, which impinges on their seasonal or climate forecasting. He also highlighted the need to start having access to additional data sources, including satellite data and hands-on training or mentoring for new staff in the next program.
![Pacific NMHS Training](/sites/default/files/inline-images/Pacific%20NMHS%20Training_2Sept2022_1.png)
Similarly, at the training for South and South East Asia countries, Assistant Meteorologist Azeema Ahmed at the Maldives Meteorological Service, Ms. Azeema Ahmed said that she found the training very useful and that they were able to identify the current gaps in their forecast. She said that additional in-person trainings on creating forecast maps, improving day-to-day and seasonal forecasting would be useful for all NMHSs in the South Asia region.
The training is a part of the ‘Enhancing Weather and Climate Resilience in RIMES Member States Through Capacity Building on Impact Forecasting - Phase 2” supported by UNESCAP and facilitated by RIMES. UNESCAP has been a key partner for RIMES, right from inception, through the support from its Trust Fund for Tsunami, Climate and Disaster Preparedness for the regional early warning projects in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami that led to genesis of RIMES in 2009. ESCAP’s continued support through several projects has enabled RIMES to carry out and take forward its mission.
![South and Southeast Asia NMHSs Training Session](/sites/default/files/inline-images/South%20and%20Southeast%20Asia%20NMHS%20Training_2Sept2022.png)