RIMES-ECMWF cooperation, since 2012, has been instrumental in enhancing the integration of longer-lead time forecast products into the member countries’ climate service delivery
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) has been sharing medium, extended range, and seasonal NWP products in real-time since 2012. RIMES, in turn, reports on the use and application of ECMWF products to improve accuracy and customize forecasts based on the country’s demands.
RIMES through its institutional agreement with the ECMWF receives the 10-day HRES, 15-day EPS products on a daily scale, and the Seasonal products on a monthly scale. These products are already integrated under the DataEx platform and are accessible by all member countries. The seasonal products are also used under the SESAME and the FLoCASt systems.
Regional Data Sharing: To further the decade-long cooperation with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the DataEx platform has been developed that serves as a two-way communication mechanism for participating countries to both share their historical observation data, near-real-time observation data that is not transmitted via GTS, and receive quality products from ECMWF.