RIMES Training Program
The Master Plan 2010-2014 of the Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES), prepared by the RIMES Executive Board through a series of consultations with Member States and collaborating countries, identified capacity building on end-to-end early warning as critical for providing actionable warning information towards forearmed, forewarned, and resilient communities. This involves technology development and transfer, training, and demonstrations to address gaps in risk knowledge, hazard observation and warning, communicating risks, and response capabilities.
RIMES training program, hence, targets a diverse audience, from development workers, resource managers, disaster risk managers, forecasters, planners, administrators, and policymakers. Training courses are designed and offered to cater to country- and project-specific needs, as well as needs by various professionals on thematically based subject matter.
Graduate Fellowship Program
In collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), RIMES offers fellowships for a 2-year Master Program in Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation, and Management. The RIMES-AIT Graduate Fellowship Program aims to ensure a dynamic human resource base in RIMES Member States on hydro-meteorological and tsunami warning, research, and applications.
Secondment Program
Since 2008, seconded scientists from RIMES Member and Collaborating States have been receiving training in earthquake monitoring, tsunami watch, numerical weather and climate prediction, and hydro-meteorological applications at the RIMES Regional Facility in Thailand.
Country-Demand/Project Based Courses
Training courses are designed and offered to cater to country- and project-specific needs, as well as needs by various professionals on thematically based subject matter. The following list of training courses, funded by RIMES Member States and donor partners, were designed for targeted audiences, and could be offered on request.
Regional Training Courses
RIMES training program targets a diverse audience, from development workers, resource managers, disaster risk managers, forecasters, planners, administrators, and policymakers. RIMES experts and scientists conduct regular and tailored courses, based on their extensive experience in the fields of numerical weather prediction, hydrology, early warning, disaster risk reduction, climate risk management, and development.