Forecast application for risk management in agriculture school in Tamil Nadu

The project established a climate risk management field school in Nagapattinam District of Tamil Nadu State, India. It involved curriculum adaptation; training material development; 6-day training of block level agriculture officers as trainers; and training of 30 lead farmers from various blocks of the district, over one planting season. Deliverables included inception report, training modules, training report, and final report.

Development of climate scenarios and climate change scenarios considering the fifth IPCC assessment results through national, sub-national or other level of scaling (2020-2025 Back up support)

The project aims to establish reliable climate projections based on the results of the 5th IPCC report, responding to the needs of national actors in climate resilience and adaptation in Madagascar, and provide DGM with technical assistance to run Regional Climate Model downscaling at national level.

Activities include:
Assessment of needs of priority sectors on climatic parameters

Provision and operationalization of software for scaling climate projections at DGM

Training of DGM staff on implementing downscaling models and on results interpretation

Abdoulaye Harou

As Strategic Partnership Advisor, Abdoulaye Harou supports RIMES through advice and inputs for formulating strategic, policy as well as programme/ project documents and instruments to take forward the collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Abdoulaye served as Chief, Data-Processing and Forecasting System (DPFS) at the World Meteorological Organization  (WMO) from April 2014 to June 2020. For seven year (2007 to 2014) he was the Director of Aviation and Defence Weather Services with the Meteorological Service of Canada.

MD. Saidur Rahman Khan

As Regional Coordinator, Saidur supports RIMES project activities at local and field levels in Bangladesh. He is responsible for assessing progress in the field and collecting progress reports from the field facilitator. He communicates with the field facilitator and provides guidance to carry field operations. He also coordinates feedback collection from field through field facilitator and responds to the problems raised by field facilitators and communicates the issues to the program manager.

Enhancement of marine observation and monitoring capacity

This project component aimed for availability of marine observations in support of ocean state forecasting for Seychelles and Sri Lanka. Key activities included site identification, survey, and selection; wave rider buoy acquisition, importation, and deployment; establishment of onshore data receiving facility; and development and implementation of real-time marine observation data acquisition and feedback systems.