RIMES operates a 24/7 regional facility for earthquake monitoring and tsunami warning, with the following capabilities:

  • Automatic seismic data acquisition system: Antelope and SeisComP are used as redundant systems
  • Sea level data acquisition system: Global Telecommunication System (GTS) link through Maldives and customized Tide Tool run as redundant systems
  • Database of pre-computed tsunami simulations
  • Near real-time tsunami forecasting system: a web-based portal for regional estimation of coastal tsunami impacts using earthquake and tsunami information (named PRECISE)
  • Decision support system for dissemination of alerts, warnings, and bulletins according to formats prescribed by UNESCO/IOC for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS)
  • Dissemination systems: SMS, email, fax, website
  • Confirmation by phone of receipt of information by the NTWC